Greg Ellison sitting in a rocking chair in Bouquet, Panama

About me

I’ve been an adventurer all my life. Growing up, my family took lots of road trips around the US and I always loved looking at the paper map to track exactly where we were at any given time. By the time I got to college, I decided to study abroad for a semester in Salamanca, Spain. I would never be the same after that experience.

I traveled around Europe by train and cheap discount airlines, and spent every last cent I had on exploring new destinations. Once I graduated college, I decided to take a job teaching English in South Korea. That might sound daunting to some, but getting thrown out of my comfort zone and learning all about a culture that I knew nothing about sounded like the ultimate adventure to me. I gained so much confidence in my ability to navigate foreign destinations that I traveled for several months around Southeast Asia and Australia after my contract ended.

In the years since, I’ve been lucky enough to travel to over 70 countries. For the past 10 years, I’ve become obsessed with studying credit card, airline and hotel loyalty programs to know everything there is to know about redeeming points for aspirational travel experiences. After so many years of travel hacking for myself, and at the insistence of my friends and family, I’m sharing my expertise with the rest of the world and helping you plan your own adventures across the world. Nothing brings me more joy and fulfillment than giving people the tools and knowledge they need to travel freely and feel confident in doing so. So, what do you say? Let’s get to work!